Documentary Unit - Hero Hounds Logo

As part of the production, we decided to come up with a logo for out film. The plan was to create something that could tell Hero and Hounds and the same time with just one image. During a trip to Bradford, I sat 3 hours on my computer trying to design something based on the ideas that we had talked about. We all agreed that it would be nice having a bone with a superhero logo in the middle, so we can tell exactly what this movie is about. Here are some of the phases of the logo while in production.

I came up with 3 different ideas, which ended up leading in the end to the real logo. They were all based on the same design, but had slightly variations. The first 3 options were these:

After discussing them we decided to use the one with the red paw that didn't have the red fancy border. The logo was supposed to have as well the name of the production, which is where our first problem with that design came. Due to the "superhero badge" in the the middle, there was no place to put the name apart from either the outside or to the sides. Once we tested with having Hero Hounds on the sides, we ended up seeing that it didn't look good at all. This is an example of the logo with one of the names we were going to use for the film "Mighty Muts"

After noticing how bad it looked, I had to come up with a different layout for the logo, where the name fitted perfectly in a good looking way. I decided that we needed to get rid of the superhero part but keep the paw. That led me to create the final logo, which we all ended up liking in the end.