We had a situation the first day we went to shoot. Danny, Helen and I had spend all they in Brentwood together to be able to shoot some B-Roll of Brentwood for our little introduction and the in the afternoon/night, we were off to the training centre to shoot the cynophobia class. After wrapping up, we decided to stop for a couple of minutes at a Bar to watch a very important football game and then we left close to 9PM. After arriving to London St. Pancras, we found out that all trains going towards Faversham (which was our train), were cancelled because some kids had run into the tunnel connecting St. Pancras and Stratford Int.. We were really tired and carrying all the equipment an we didn't know what to do since it was 10:30PM already and the only way to get back home was getting the tube to London Bridge and then a train to Rochester, which would take us approx. an hour and a half at least. We evaluated all options, since we were going to come back to Brentwood the next day for our second day of filming, so we decided to see how much it would cost us to stay in an hotel. After finding out it was around 140 pounds in total, we decided to get another option. Luckily Danny's dad lives in London and he managed to convince him so we could stay the night there and come back to Brentwood the next day. It took us around an hour to get there and finally arrived at 1AM.
It was a hectic experience that we wouldn't change at all, although we were really tired from all that filming and then the next day as well. We learned that things don't always go the way you expect it to, but we need to find solutions that can based in what we need to accomplish, which was getting the filming done.