The Filming Day (The Meeting)
Chris Sarmiento
Basically the filming day didn't go that bad. The filming crew was only Aimee (as audio) and me as camera and directing since it was all a handheld camera production. I was very bossy, but it is just that I wanted in a special way and I wanted the actors, Ruby and Mark, to do it exactly like I needed to. We spent around 5 hours filming with a 20 min break in between. There was a problem with the audio since the cable was broken and I had to use a very small cable for a boom mic. I have been trying to correct it as much as I can on my computer but I can't do magic. It was a really good and productive day, although the filming could have been much better.
Currently studying 3rd Year Television Production at UCA. Very passionate about editing, technology (particularly Apple) and a big fan of Star Wars.