Fiction Adaptation - Idea

For my fiction adaptation project I have thought about some ideas that I believe can be very interesting. The first one was to create a music video out of the poem, something sad and touchy. I figured out that exactly what I wanted was a lot of work and actors and probably out of my budget taking into account that I am working on another project at the same time, so I came my second idea which is roughly what I am going to do and I believe is something quite good and fun. 

The first bit is to create a song out of the poem. Ideally that would be the music in the background and since I play the piano and produce music on the computer, I could hopefully make something good out of it. If that fails, I will just implement the words someway in the video. As for the video itself, the idea I had comes from an amazing project that I saw years ago and I believe is a master piece in art. Using hundreds and hundreds of post it, someone managed to create a full animation in a wall by allocating them in specific places.  It requires an huge amount of work and preparation to see where each one will go and lock a space for days or weeks so you can easily just work with it. 

After speaking to teacher Helen, she mentioned me the idea was good but that I should try to see if I could use something more of the era instead of post its, which is what I am working on atm, otherwise the idea is to use post it and make the video in either black and white or sepia, that way it will look more thematic and according to the epoch. 

Here is the video that inspired my idea and what I am going to be based on:


Fiction Adaptation - Poem

For our fiction adaptation unit we have been given some World War I poems so we can adapt them in a video of our choice. The idea of this unit is to express and adapt a poem in any sort of video. I read through all of them and there was one that caught my attention a lot called Summer in England 1914 by Alice Meynell. The poem explains in a very literal way that transition from summer through autumn during the war and all the deaths from the soldiers. As port of my research, I searched a bit about her and who she is so I could get an idea of what she meant and the type of person she is. She was a poet and campaigner for women suffrage back in early 90s. After her twenties she converted and devoted to the catholicism which was her main inspiration for her poems. Here is the poem she wrote and one from she is very well known for:

Summer in England, 1914 On London fell a clearer light; 
Caressing pencils of the sun Defined the distances,
the white Houses transfigured one by one, 
The 'long, unlovely street' imperiled. O what a sky has walked the world! 
Most happy year! And out of town The hay was prosperous, and the wheat; 
The silken harvest climbed the down: Moon after moon was heavenly-sweet, 
Stroking the bread within the sheaves, Looking 'twixt apples and their leaves.
And while this rose made round her cup, The armies died convulsed. 
And when This chaste young silver sun went up Softly, a thousand shattered men, 
One wet corruption, heaped the plain, After a league-long throb of pain.
Flower following tender flower; and birds, And berries; 
and benignant skies Made thrive the serried flocks and herds.
---Yonder are men shot through the eyes. Love, hide thy face From man's unpardonable race. 
Who said 'No man hath greater love than this, To die to serve his friend'?
So these have loved us all unto the end. Chide thou no more, O thou unsacrificed! 
The soldier dying dies upon a kiss, The very kiss of Christ.


Digital News - Boinx TV Software

Thinking about the project set up and our virtual studio, I had an idea of using a software that I've owned for a couple years but never ha the chance to properly use as it is mainly a software to produce news, shows, live events, etc. It is called Boinx Tv and it is designed for this kind of projects. We can design all out bran and colors, banners, logo, etc, and just build the studio form there and make our actual production live. I will make a tutorial in the next days of the use of it and all the things you can do with it. In the meantime I will leave a screenshot of the main interface of it. 


Digital News - Ideas

For our Digital News project, Danny, Helen and I have decided to group again as we worked really good last time. We have already started to brainstorm some ideas, from which some have just been a joke and some other have ended up being more serious. We started with discussing what type of news we wanted and the basics of it for which we created a list:

- The program will be aimed for people between 18-25 years old. This is mainly because we want to show some interesting stories but they might have content non appropriate for under 18 and people over 25 might find it interesting but is not really our goal. 

- We will create an MTV news style. We analyzed if we wanted to do a BBC or iTV or Sky types of news, but the set put might be too serious for what we want to deliver.

- No seriousness but professional. We have talked about doing a news segment that doesn't really focus on being serious and talking about topics like war, politics, finance or anything that is too serious. At the same time we want to deliver something good and professional that will look like something on Tv in the appropriate channel.

- Virtual set. It has been decided to create a virtual studio set for the our project. We will work on the design and how to set it up after getting the channels name and more of the identity of what we are creating. Green screen will be used clearly.

We also discussed some ideas for our main story from which a lot of them were just big failures but so far we have come with one that seems to be the one we want to develop. Here are some of the ideas that we had first:

- War in Syria

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles charity event at Cineworld

- Contact Roy from our documentary unit to see if he had any interesting news

- A vox pop pranking people

But in the end we came out with one that seems to be a good an interesting story which is the view of people in pole dancing. A lot of people look at pole dancing as a 'slutty' activity, when a lot of people see it as a sport and a lot of the people that practice this are just normal people like us and not the easy type. We want to dig in this world more and show what this means to these people and how wrong the society by judging. We are still developing the idea and will discuss it with teacher Helen on tueday hopefully and then focus in our live OB from which we don't have anything yet. We are looking and trying to find some good and different stories as we want something unique and suitable for our kind of show.