Direction Unit - Title Sequence 1 (After Effects)

To give life to that picture I created a virtual environment in After Effects. The first part was giving life to the still picture, which is why I created a light in her face and moved it every 23 frames so it seemed like the light of fire was reflecting in her face, this way it will give the sensation of movement. For the second part I decided to create some rain and give it movement. The idea was to start seeing the rain from the front and then slowly move as if we were on top of the rain looking down, falling with the rain. This was all done with a CC Rain effect and using a virtual camera. For the Third and most complex part, I wanted to create the illusion of the rain hitting the floor and creating a puddle. This was all done in computer and using the plug in Trapcode Particular, I managed to create water from scratch and shape it so it looked like a puddle.

Here a picture of the creation of the particles in After Effects:

After finishing it and shaping it, the final result without the rain was this one:

In the end all I had to do was add the name A Journey Through Sorrow and give it an effect with CC Liquify, so it looked like it was coming from the water. See next post for the final result.