I must say I am very pleased with my film. At first there was a lot of doubts and problems related to location and when to film. I had been doing my prep work all along since early january, which was when I decided to work only in the sound design project first, turn it in and then start working in the 4 minutes film.
Regarding casting, I was a bit worried whether it was going to go well or not. A decided not to audition people here at the studios, but via Skype. Some people had told me that you couldn't trust them to come and the best way was doing an audition to make sure they could make it here. I decided not to do that and trust them, although I talked to them every 2 days just to make sure we were still in the same page and they were still going to come. When the actress told me 4 days before the production that she didn't read that I wasn't playing for travel expenses, she told me she couldn't make it. I needed her and I wanted her to be my character, so I decided to put that in my budget and pay for her train. This made me change my location for the meeting from Chatham Dockyards to Rochester Castle, since I was paying for the bus from Waterfront Station to the Dockyards. In the end I am very happy I did that change since I like the castle more than the dockyard, it gives my film a different and more natural look. My actors were amazing for me and I am more than happy to work with them again in the future.
For my editing in general, I am very pleased with the colors and the decision of filming it in 50fps. It was the best thing I could do, since I love the look it gives to the film. Sadly I didn't know that neither Youtube or Vimeo accept films over 30fps, since they automatically convert them to that format. Everyone that will see it on youtube, will only see the film in a standard frame per second rate and not all the effort I put in the visuals of mine.
I worked in a BBC production for a week during pre-production time, which pushed everything I had planned one week. I ended up filming one week before dead line and if I am honest I don't regret any of it. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot in that BBC week, plus the week after that was raining almost everyday, which means I wouldn't have been able to shoot in one day as planned, taking into account that I had to pay to one of my actors to come here. I didn't have enough money to pay for two days. Monday was a very good day regarding weather, time and light, so I think it was almost perfect.
Some of my clips, specially when they meet for the first time in the film, are not very well synced, so is a bit tough to make the transition from the male character waiting for her and her coming towards him. I believe that is the weakest part of my film since I should have done a different approach to that scene to make it look more natural.
In general I am very happy with my project, since is the first one I don't really use much effects and focus more in the story telling with clips and movements and actions instead of music and effects.
"I hope is right"