A Journey Through Sorrow (Final Idea)

A Journey Through Sorrow


Alexander Hoover: Long hair, around 1.75m tall, average body, a bit muscly and bad looking with a beard. He is a mid 20's man with a sad story in life. His bride to be left him for a rich man, because her ambition for money was bigger than her love to him. Trying to make her stay with him, he borrowed a lot of money and then forced to sell even his own house to pay those debts. He ended up with nothing at all but a pair of clothes and a tent. Since then, he has been living in a park inside his tent and cleaning it. He used to own a floristry, but lost in by betting it once. After being dumped by Katherine, he found a job as a formal florist and he has been saving money to rent a room in a descent place, but before that he has one last meeting to attend to.

Katherine Porter: Long hair, tall, skinny, white and classy. She is a mid 20's woman. Having a BA in Accountancy, she has never worked formally, but has developed a big ambition for money. Previously engaged to a florist with his own business, Katherine felt that she needed more and more money and her fiancée wasn't getting it for her. After he tried everything to give her the best, she met a new man, Arthur, who happened to be a millionaire. She decided that money was more important than love, which led her abandon Alexander and marry this new guy. She will have her last meeting with her ex-fiancée to give him back her engagement ring.


It will be a tent, with duck tape on one of the sides as if it broken. Probably green since he is a naturalist and happens to be Alexander's favorite color.

Other locations

A wood path by a dockyard.


Engagement ring with chew gum.